Author:Kunstmann, FDate:1963The determination of the Bonding Index, as described in the last annual report, proved to be useful test of the coking ability of a coking coal. Unfortunately, all attempts to lay down specifications for the standard anthracite, which determine ...Read more
Author:Rutherford, MCDate:Jan 1979Aboveground peak season biomass is given for 11 woody species in each of five belt transects under study. Mean aerial biomass for all species was 16 273 kg ha, made up of 14 937 kg ha wood, 236 kg ha current season's twigs and 1 100 kg ha ...Read more
Author:Skinner, DGDate:Feb 1994The available data bases for accidents, road geometry (photolog output) and traffic counts were combined and the accident rates determined for two lane, four lane and six lane road categories as well as for 22 geometric element categories. ...Read more
Author:Hitge, JJ; Franz, RM; Schutte, PC; Kielblock, AJDate:Oct 1991This report is designed to convey information to mine management, environmental engineers, training personnel and acclimatization supervisors that will allow an appraisal of their mine's position with regard to heat acclimatization of workers ...Read more
Author:Auret, EWDate:1986Activities of the National Programmes for Ecosystem and Aquaculture Research of the CSIR Foundation for Research Development are reviewed, within the programmes on Inland Water Ecosystems, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Nature Conservation Research, ...Read more
Author:Vhahangwele, MDate:Jan 2013South African coal-fired power stations rely on the use of low grade bituminous coal for electricity generation. During coal combustion processes, this type of coal generates large volume of waste materials which include Fly ash, bottom ash, ...Read more
Author:Bodenstein, L; Sevenster, PGDate:1964The study of the behaviour of moisture on coal is a rather complex one. The moisture holding capacity of coal and the ability to absorb water affects many characteristics of the material.Read more
Author:Meintjies, AADate:1965The purpose of this study is to gain an insight into one possible aspect of the problem of scaling of coal, that is the part which is played by the swelling and shrinkage of coal and coal minerals which accompany the adsorption and desorption ...Read more
Author:Anochie-Boateng, JosephDate:Dec 2007This research study was intended to develop laboratory test procedures for advance testing and characterization of fine-grained cohesive soils and oil sand materials. The test procedures are based on typical field loading conditions and the ...Read more
Author:Bereck, A; Trollip, NGDate:Jun 1987An investigation has been performed, the results of which provide evidence for the preferential use of phosphorus based reducing agents in place of the traditionally used sulphur based reducing agents in the first stage of mordant bleaching ...Read more
Author:Twinch, AJ; Breen, CMDate:Feb 1980The definitions of the different phosphorus compound fractions present in inland waters are reviewed and the limitations of the definitions discussed. The development of models of phosphorus cycling is summarized. Attempts to establish their ...Read more
Author:Rouault, Marjolaine JDate:Nov 2011Satellite remote sensing datasets including more than 6 years of high frequency Sea Surface Temperature (SST) imagery as well as surface current observations derived from 18 years of merged-altimetry and over 2 years of Advanced Synthetic ...Read more
Author:Moran, VC; Moran, PMDate:Dec 1982A compilation of references to research on alien invasive plants in South Africa is given. Crop weeds and indigenous plants are not included. Reference is made to 457 publications. Keyword listings and a keyword index are provided.Read more
Author:Savage, WHDDate:1977In many tests the separating bath is fed with coal covering a wide range of sizes. This note is based on a study of data contained in FRI report No. 44 of 1977.Read more
Author:Kershaw, JRDate:1976The oils from dynamic and static hydrogenation, supercritical gas extraction and soxhlet extraction were separated into a number of fractions by absorption chromatography on silica-gel. The fractions from this chromatographic separation were ...Read more
Author:Savage, WHDDate:1972In Bulletin No 76, which gave average data for 1971, it was mentioned that Enyati and Vaalbank collieries ceased production during that year.Read more