Author:Mozes, TE; Van Rensburg, NJJ; Turpie, DWFDate:Dec 1981A laboratory study of the use of twenty nonionic detergents for scouring of raw wool showed that scouring efficiency decreased with an increase in the detergent partition coefficient obtained by centrifuging of artificial creams prepared with ...Read more
Author:Mozes, TEDate:Apr 1986Most greasy wools contain vegetable matter (VM) acquired by the sheep during grazing. This can comprise a variety of vegetable matter types such as burrs, seeds, twigs, leaves and straw.Read more
Author:Mozes, TEDate:Aug 1982Wool and mohair aqueous scouring wastes are known to be of a highly polluting nature. These cannot be discharged into municipal sewers because municipal authorities have been compelled for ecological reasons to demand a high level of purity ...Read more