During the September 1987 floods in Natal various organisations collaborated by observing the effects of the floods. The efforts of the CSIR in Stellenbosch and Durban, and the Geology Departments of the Universities of Natal and Port Elizabeth were coordinated to prevent overlap. SANCOR undertook to partly fund these observations, and the results of the work done to date in report or publication form are combined in this report to give a comprehensive overview. A report in photo brochure form has also been compiled, but due to its format it is not included in this report. (Compiled by J E Perry, CPMA, Stellenbosch.) The financial contribution of SANCOR to the observations and the publication of this report is acknowledged by all authors and people that took part in the surveys
Badenhorst, P et al. 1989. Survey of September 1987 Natal floods. National Scientific Programmes Unit: CSIR, SANSP Report 164, Sep 1989, pp 136
Badenhorst, P., Cooper, J., Crowther, J., Gonsalves, J., Laubscher, W., Grobler, N., ... Moller, J. (1989). Survey of September 1987 Natal floods (CSIR). National Scientific Programmes Unit: CSIR. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10204/2392
Badenhorst, P, JAG Cooper, J Crowther, J Gonsalves, WI Laubscher, NA Grobler, TR Mason, et al Survey of September 1987 Natal floods. CSIR. National Scientific Programmes Unit: CSIR, 1989. http://hdl.handle.net/10204/2392
Badenhorst P, Cooper J, Crowther J, Gonsalves J, Laubscher W, Grobler N, et al. Survey of September 1987 Natal floods. 1989 [cited yyyy month dd]. Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/10204/2392