This document describes the Initial framework for a cooperative marine ecological research programme in the South African Benguela Current region, for the period 1982-1986. The programme is called the Benguela Ecology Programme. It is intended to serve as a focus for the efforts of scientists already Involved in research in the region, and as a guide for scientists who may wish to initiate marine ecological research in the region during 1982-1986. The programme places emphasis on research dealing with natural systems and renewable resources, especially shoaling fish of commercial importance, in the pelagic environment. The document outlines the motivation for South African marine ecological research in the Benguela Current region and indicates the objectives of suites of research projects which link together to comprise a cooperative, coordinated multi- and interdisciplinary research programme.
Siegfried, WR and Field, JG (Editors). 1981. Description of the Benguela ecology programme 1982-1986. Cooperative Scientific Programmes: CSIR, SANSP Report 54, March 1981, pp 46
SANCOR (1981). Description of the Benguela ecology programme 1982-1986 (CSIR). Cooperative Scientific Programmes: CSIR. Retrieved from
SANCOR Description of the Benguela ecology programme 1982-1986. CSIR. Cooperative Scientific Programmes: CSIR, 1981.
SANCOR. Description of the Benguela ecology programme 1982-1986. 1981 [cited yyyy month dd]. Available from: