Author:Akpakwu, GA; Hancke, GP; Silva, BJ; Abu-Mahfouz, Adnan MIDate:Jul 2016The concept of data distribution within cluster of sensor nodes to the source sink has resulted to intense research in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this paper, in order to determine the scheduling length of packet distribution, a ...Read more
Author:Freiboth, H; Goedhals-Gerber, LL; van Dyk, E; Dodd, MDate:Oct 2014A large amount of fruit and money is lost every season due to breaks in the South African fruit export cold chain. With food security becoming an ever growing concern, especially in developing countries like South Africa, a high percentage ...Read more
Author:Gerrand, Jonathan D; Williams, Quentin R; Lunga, D; Pantanowitz, A; Madhi, S; Mahomed, NDate:Jul 2017Within developing countries, there is a realistic need for technologies that can assist medical practitioners in meeting the increasing demand for patient screening and monitoring. To this end, computer aided diagnosis (CAD) based approaches ...Read more
Author:Forbes, A; Du Preez, NC; Belyi, VN; Botha, LRDate:Aug 2009In this paper the researchers present results on improved paint stripping performance with an intra-cavity generated Flattened Gaussian Beam (FGB). A resonator with suitable diffractive optical elements was designed in order to produce a ...Read more
Author:Olukanmi, PO; Nelwamondo, Fulufhelo V; Marwala, TDate:Jan 2019The Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) clustering algorithm is well-known for its robustness and accuracy, but it is computationally expensive. This paper proposes a fast and accurate version, named PAM-lite. Like CLARA which also addresses ...Read more
Author:Govindasamy, K; Potgieter, S; Kumar, S; Land, K; Muzenda, EDate:Sep 2012Microfluidics has found widespread application in the fields of molecular biology, DNA analysis and most recently, point of care diagnostics. We present a paper based microfluidic device for rapid, in-the-field detection of pathogenic bacteria ...Read more
Author:Wiederoder, MS; Smith, S; Madzivhandila, P; Mager, D; Moodley, K; DeVoe, DL; Land, KJDate:Oct 2016This study describes a novel hybrid paper-polymer centrifugal microfluidic device for pre-concentration of E.coli and lateral flow immunoassay enhancement for water quality verification. The device balances rotational centrifugal force with ...Read more
Author:Hamadou Ibrahim, A; Roux, FS; Konrad, TDate:Aug 2011he orbital angular momentum (OAM) state of light can potentially be used to implement higher dimensional entangled systems for quantum communication. Unfortunately, optical fibers in use today support only modes with zero OAM values. Free-space ...Read more
Author:Bidgood, Peter M; Nel, ALDate:Sep 2013The current trend in balance calibration-matrix generation is to use non-linear regression and statistical methods. Methods typically include Modified-Design-of-Experiment (MDOE), Response-Surface-Models (RSMs) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). ...Read more
Author:Adebiyia, DI; Fatoba, O; Pityana, Sisa L; Popoola PDate:Jun 2016Silicon carbide (SiC), has excellent mechanical properties such as high hardness and good wear resistance, and would have been a suitable laser-coating material for titanium alloy to enhance the poor surface hardness of the alloy. However, ...Read more
Author:Shatalov, M; Greeff, JC; Joubert, SV; Fedotov, IDate:Sep 2008In this paper a mathematical model describing the interaction of a lion population with that of the zebra and wildebeest populations is considered. The traditional method uses a model with known coefficients and a CAS numerical routine to ...Read more
Author:Butgereit, LDate:Dec 2006Parent Run Science Clubs: A case study at Nooitgedacht 88 Primary School is a presentation case study presentation that will facilitate national, economic and social improvement through human capital developmentRead more
Author:Schlunz, Georg I; Barnard, E; Van Huyssteen, GBDate:Nov 2010One of the goals of text-to-speech (TTS) systems is to produce natural-sounding synthesised speech. Towards this end various natural language processing (NLP) tasks are performed to model the prosodic aspects of the TTS voice. One of the ...Read more
Author:Schlunz, Georg I; Dlamini, Nkosikhona; Kruger, Rynhardt PDate:Sep 2016Text-to-speech synthesis can be an empowering communication tool in the hands of the print-disabled or augmentative and alternative communication user. In an effort to improve the naturalness of synthesised speech – and thus enhance the ...Read more
Author:Pretorius, CDate:May 2010In view of the international drive to eliminate silicosis, it is critical that reliable and consistent results are obtained from respirable dust sampling and analysis so that effective control measures can be implemented on mines. Two locally ...Read more
Author:Akinlabi, ET; Nyembwe, KD; Pityana, Sisa L; Shongwe, MB; Ochonogor, OFDate:Jan 2017Manufacture of hybrid Ti6Al4 V alloy systems for application specifically in hot parts of turbine engines has been a challenge in recent years. This is due to the need to increase efficiency and reduce combustion rate and emission. In this ...Read more
Author:Reinecke, John D; Beetge, FJ; Horsfall, I; Miyambo, MangalaniDate:Jul 2015Buried blast threats have been used for many years in both conventional and unconventional warfare. They are cheap, easily hidden, remain viable for extremely long periods after deployment and are effective, focusing the resulting blast ...Read more
Author:Masindi, Vhahangwele; Gitari, MW; Tutu, H; De Beer, MorrisDate:Oct 2015Acid mine drainage is generated when mining activities expose sulphidic rock to water and oxygen leading to generation of sulphuric acid effluents rich in Fe, Al, SO (Sup4) and Mn with minor concentrations of Zn, Cu, Mg, Ca, Pb depending on ...Read more
Author:Kok, SDate:Oct 2010Property changes occur in materials subjected to irradiation. The bulk of experimental data and associated empirical models are for isothermal irradiation. The form that these isothermal models take is usually closed form expressions in terms ...Read more