Author:Kleinhans, A; Rosman, Benjamin S; Michalik, M; Tripp, B; Detry, RDate:May 2015Autonomous grasping is a problem that receives continuous attention from our community because it is both key to many applications, and difficult to solve. The complexity of robot grasping is counter-intuitive. For us humans, planning a grasp ...Read more
Author:Boesack, CD; Marwal, T; Nelwamondo, Fulufhelo VDate:Oct 2011This paper presents a GA-Fuzzy Automatic Generation Controller for large interconnected power systems. The design of Fuzzy Logic Controllers by means of expert knowledge have typically been the traditional design norm, however, this may not ...Read more
Author:Burke, Michael G; Brink, WDate:Aug 2011This paper presents a gain-scheduling controller for a human-following robot. Typical controllers use either a point-to-point approach where the relative orientation between human and platform is uncontrolled, or a direction-based approach ...Read more
Author:Smith, Andrew CDate:Apr 2007The authors propose a system designed for pre-school children that offers an alternative introduction to the world of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), specifically computer programming. Illiterate children can construct simple ...Read more
Author:Botha, Adèle; Herselman, Martha E; Ford, MDate:May 2014Gamification in education refers to the application of game dynamics, mechanics into the teaching and learning engagement. This paper makes a case for viewing the objective of Educational Gamification as a Gameful Educational User Experience. ...Read more
Author:Ncube, EN; Mathiba, Kgama; Steenkamp, Lucia H; Dubery, IADate:Oct 2021Hyphozyma roseoniger is a filamentous yeast used for its biocatalytic ability to convert sclareol, a plant diterpenoid to ambradiol, an intermediate to ambrafuran, which is a sought-after fixative in the perfume industry. Metabolite profiling ...Read more
Author:Pityana, Sisa L; Mahamood, RM; Akinlabi, ET; Shukla, MDate:Mar 2013Tracks of Ti6Al4V powder were deposited on Ti6Al4V substrate using Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) process, an Additive Manufacturing (AM) manufacturing technology, at a laser power and scanning speed maintained at 1.8 kW and 0.005 m/s respectively. ...Read more
Author:Mafusire, C; Forbes, A; Snedden, Glen C; Mahlase, Andrew CK; Michaelis, MM; Mathuthu, MDate:Jul 2006When a heated pipe is rotated, the dynamics of the gas inside exhibit properties reminiscent of a solid-state positive lens. The properties are a result of a parabolic distribution of refractive index in the pipe which is caused by mixing of ...Read more
Author:Landman, KDate:Aug 2000In many instances the urban future is shaped by specific and powerful ideas. “Gated communities” is one such an idea, which has the potential to radically transform the urban environment in the 21st century. As a strong and influential urban ...Read more
Author:Padayachi, YR; Thambiran, TirushaDate:Oct 2012Road transport is considered to be a growing source of atmospheric emissions in African countries. In South Africa, competition in the business sector, reduction in rail usage, deregulation of freight transportation and a growing middle income ...Read more
Author:Njiro, EDate:Mar 2006It has taken nearly half a century for the goals of poverty reduction and gender equality to achieve this prominence in mainstream policy concerns. In the process, the understanding of poverty has been transformed from the early equation with ...Read more
Author:Venter, CJ; Mashiri, MDate:Jul 2007The paper explores ways in which existing gender analysis frameworks - and the Moser framework in particular - can be adapted by transport and urban analysts in starting to examine the gender aspects of their work. In recent years a convergence ...Read more
Author:Mashiri, M; Gwarajena, TRD; Chakwizira, J; Nhemachena, CDate:Dec 2010This, chapter investigates the extent to which community-based rural road maintenance and agriculture development projects can be used as tools to empower women, the elderly, children, youth and the unemployed to work towards attaining ...Read more
Author:Sefara, Tshephisho J; Mokgonyane, TBDate:Aug 2021Gender identification is the task of identifying the gender of the speaker from the audio signal. Most gender identification systems are developed using datasets belonging to well-resourced languages. There has been little focus on creating ...Read more
Author:Light, A; Ladeira, I; Roberson, J; Bidwell, N; Rangaswamy, N; Sambasivan, N; Gitau, SDate:Dec 2010The authors present our experience of gender as female ICT4D researchers. We highlight our field experiences and comment on our perceptions of how being a woman and performing our female identity has influenced our own ICT4D research. We ...Read more
Author:Dlodlo, N; Mvelase, PS; Krause, CDate:Jan 2010This research is one of a series that attempt to unveil the various reasons why the numbers of women participating in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) education and careers in South Africa is significantly low compared to that ...Read more