Author:Jacobs, P; Von Solms, S; Grobler, MDate:Jul 2015Security Operation Centres (SOCs) and Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) or Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) can play a pivotal role in the monitoring of, and response to threats, attacks and vulnerabilities in ...Read more
Author:Chelule, E; Herselman, Martha E; Van Greunen, DDate:Jul 2010This paper presents the results of a usability study conducted on South African B2C bricks-and-clicks retailers' e-commerce websites. The study employed two evaluation techniques namely; user evaluation and heuristic evaluation (HE). The ...Read more
Author:Coleman, A; Herselman, Martha E; Potass, DDate:Nov 2011This study assessed e-healthcare readiness of rural and urban hospitals in North West Province of South Africa. Outcome of assessment led to creation of e-health architectural framework for e-health solutions. Assessment was conducted in usage ...Read more
Author:Pillay, K; Erasmus, Louwrence DDate:Sep 2017The level of readiness to use information and communication technologies is referred to as a measure of “e-Readiness”. South African universities may be well-placed to use some applications of information and communication technologies, but ...Read more
Author:Ramoelo, Abel; Cho, Moses A; Mathieu, Renaud SADate:Oct 2012The emergence of high resolution multispectral sensors with red-edge information such as, WorldView-2, RapidEye, Sentinel-2 (to be launched in 2013) and
SumbandilaSAT moves remote sensing towards routine monitoring of rangeland resource quality.Read more
Author:Faniso, Zimbini; Magidimisha, EdwinDate:Oct 2018Satellite remote sensing of inland water bodies has great potential for ensuring water quality and for obtaining reliable data which can be used for decision making. This is a rapidly evolving technology that is now widely utilized throughout ...Read more
Author:Van Zyl, TL; McFerren, G; Vahed, AnwarDate:Sep 2011Geospatially Enabled Scientific Workflows offer a promising paradigm to facilitate researchers, in the earth observation domain, with many aspects of the scientific process. One such aspect is that of access to distributed earth observation ...Read more
Author:Szewczuk, SDate:May 2010This presentation provides a rationale for off-grid projects, and then briefly discusses renewable energy for rural electrification in the Eastern Cape. The impact of this project, and related research work, is also touched on.Read more
Author:Wall, K; Bhagwan, J; Ive, ODate:01 Sep 2010CSIR research has found that operations and maintenance partnerships, using the basic principles of franchising, could address many challenges in the operation and maintenance of water services. This was reported at the CSIR 2nd Biennial ...Read more
Author:Matsebe, GDate:Jul 2011Ecological sanitation (referred to in some countries as Ecosan) has been successfully implemented in both developed and developing countries such as Sweden, Germany, China, El Salvador, Mexico, Uganda and South Africa. Among others, three ...Read more
Author:Du Plessis, CDate:Oct 2009Many commentators suggests that in order to effect meaningful transformation of global development pathways, it is necessary to change the worldview that underlies the current development paradigm to a view that sees the world as a complex ...Read more
Author:Olwal, TO; Montsi, L; Mofolo, M; Mekuria, FissehaDate:Sep 2013The ever rising demand for energy all over the world, following the dwindling of the fossil fuel resources and adverse effects on the climate change, has compelled the need to save energy and lower the cost of energy utilization in the wireless ...Read more
Author:Steyn, Maronel; Maherry, A; Genthe, BettinaDate:Jul 2011This presentation highlights the economic burden of diarrhoea in the Olifants Water Management Area, South Africa. It concludes that water pollution prevention is cheaper than diarrhoea treatment.Read more
Author:Kobo, Nomkwezane S; Herbette, S; Monteiro, Pedro MS; Reason, CDate:Oct 2012The Southern Ocean is an important sink for heat and CO2 and is one of the world’s most productive regions. The unique absence of blocking continents allows the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) to connect all ocean basins (Atlantic, Pacific ...Read more
Author:Skosana, Vusi J; Kunene, Dumisani CDate:Sep 2019Edge-preserving smoothing filters have had many applications in the image processing community, such as image compression, restoration, deblurring and abstraction. However, their potential application in computer vision and machine learning ...Read more
Author:Toranzos, G; Steyn, Maronel; Santiago-Rodriguez, T; Sano, DDate:Dec 2020Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) has been raised as important for the international agenda. AMR is not only an immediate major threat to global health but also impacts global economies. More than 700,000 people worldwide die each year because ...Read more
Author:Miteff, SDate:Oct 2012In this presentation the author introduces the Eduroam initiative, and explains how it combines existing wireless security technologies in a novel way, to enable secure global roaming for end users at university campuses and research institutions.Read more
Author:Greben, HA; Sigama, NJDate:Nov 2008Vast volumes of acid mine drainage (AMD) is still being generated in South Africa, due to decant from both active and closed mines. Research to find a cost effective, environmentally friendly treatment system to reduce the salinity and to ...Read more