Author:Schwegmann, CP; Kleynhans, W; Salmon, BP; Mdakane, LDate:Jul 2015The Maritime Domain Awareness initiative seeks to constantly improve the ways in which maritime information is collected. With the recent release of free Sentinel-1 imagery to the public, monitoring the maritime environment has become a more ...Read more
Author:Nickless, A; Scholes, RJ; Archibald, SDate:01 Sep 2010Often researchers are interested in obtaining estimates of variables which are quite difficult or expensive to measure. To obtain these estimates, relationships between those variables of interest and more easily measured variables are used. ...Read more
Author:Roux, Michael P; Taute, ADate:Jul 2016The DER-rating method has been adopted as the national standard for the rating of road structures. This method is defects-based and involves the rating of defects on the various inspections items of road structures in terms of degree (D), ...Read more
Author:de Ponte, JD; Pieterse, JJ; Bidgood, Peter MDate:May 2016In order to meet the increasingly stringent requirements for wind tunnel balances, as expressed by the wind tunnel testing community, balance design philosophy needs to be further expanded to include alternative sensor, material, design and ...Read more
Author:Mahachi, J; Khanye, L; Goliger, Adam MDate:Sep 2007The current South African Code of Practice for structural use of masonry uses four partial safety factors gm, for materials depending on construction control and quality control. With the boom in the construction industry, new entrants in the ...Read more
Author:Nokes, WA; Harvey, JT; Du Plessis, L; Long, F; Stolarski, PJDate:Aug 1997By combining the results of both the HVS and laboratory tests, interpretations of pavement performance are described and recommendations for pavement design and construction have been made to Caltrans.Read more
Author:De Saxe, Christopher; Berman, Robert J; Clarke, Anria; Reinecke, John DDate:Jul 2019Tyre parameterisation is fundamental to vehicle dynamics research, as tyre properties have a significant impact on the behaviour of a vehicle. One way in which some of the primary tyre parameters can be extracted is a trailer-based tyre tester, ...Read more
Author:Vhengani, LM; Griffith, D; Lysko, MDate:Jul 2011The importance of calibrating satellite imagers has been explained in literature such as K Arai (2007) and K J Thome (2001). Calibration of satellite sensors (imagers) is crucial for data consistency, reliability and comparability. To perform ...Read more
Author:Green, JJ; Bosscha, Peter A; Candy, L; Hlophe, K; Coetzee, S; Brink, SDate:Sep 2010Safety in mines is of paramount importance, especially in the labour intensive operations of South Africa, where upward of 300 000 people are employed on a daily basis in an environment that is inherently dangerous. On average approximately ...Read more
Author:Mohammed, SO; Labuschagne, FJJDate:Jul 2008Traffic law enforcement has been defined as the area of activity aimed at controlling road user behaviour by preventive, persuasive and punitive measures in order to effect the safe and efficient movement of traffic. The Department of Transport ...Read more
Author:Oosthuizen, MA; Pretorius, E; Oberholzer, HM; Van der Spuy, WJDate:Oct 2010Particulates less than 100 nm (in at least one diameter) are referred to as nanoparticles. The properties of nanoparticles may differ from those of larger particles from the same bulk material. These unique properties allow the use of ...Read more
Author:Malherbe, Johan; Landman, WA; Engelbrecht, FADate:Oct 2014A possible forcing mechanism for intra-seasonal rainfall distribution to bi-decadal climate variability is explored. The atmospheric response to external forcing is demonstrated at a daily and annual time scale by noting variation in the ...Read more
Author:Wessels, Konrad J; Van den Bergh, F; Scholes, RJ; Miteffa, SDate:Apr 2011There has been a recent proliferation of remote sensing-based trend analysis for monitoring regional desertification. These show contradictory results. All of them claim to have been “validated” through expert interpretation, in the absence ...Read more
Author:Butgereit, L; Botha, RADate:May 2013Micro-volunteering has been defined as convenient, bite-sized, crowdsourced, and network-managed. Micro-volunteers donate their time and energy for organisations which they may not have previously encountered (crowd-sourced), at a time which ...Read more
Author:Durrheim, RJ; Ogasawara, HDate:May 2012Mining-induced earthquakes pose a risk to workers in deep mines, while natural earthquakes pose a risk to people living close to plate boundaries and even in stable continental regions. A five-year ca. US$3 million Japan-SA collaborative ...Read more
Author:Muswema, Aubrey P; Oelofse, Suzanna HHDate:Oct 2022According to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations, the paper and packaging sector needs to prepare EPR schemes for management of their end-of-life products. The aerosol sector recognises that aerosols present somewhat different ...Read more
Author:Roux, S; Oelofse, Suzanna HH; De Lange, Willem JDate:01 Sep 2010The reuse potential of industrial, agricultural and domestic return flows in any region is directly dependent on the quality of treatment processes and the intended reuse applications. Although the direct recycling of polluted water for potable ...Read more
Author:Tazvinga, Henerica; Amigun, B; Stafford, William HL; Mapako, MDate:Apr 2011Access to modern energy services is a fundamental prerequisite for property reduction and sustainable human development. Many remote rural South African communities are characterized by low energy demand and low population densities, making ...Read more
Author:Coetzee, S; Cooper, Antony KDate:Oct 2008The standard defines eleven address types that describe all forms of addresses currently in use in South Africa. The entity relationship diagram (ERD) in SANS 1883-2 includes no fewer than 26 tables and approximately 60 relationships between ...Read more
Author:Harmse, M; Janse Van Rensburg, SJDate:May 2007Sasol, a petrochemical company in the Republic of South Africa, uses coal to produce oil and chemical products. The coal is mined in the area surrounding the Sasol plants and is transported with conveyor belts to the stockpiles at the gas ...Read more