Author:Gumede, WHN; Van Zyl, PJ; Okole, B; Lalloo, RajeshDate:Feb 2006The decreased productivity levels in crop production as a consequence of disease infection have been a great concern amongst agricultural communities. A similar threat is facing the banana-cultivating community due to Panama disease. Panama ...Read more
Author:Shapurjee, Y; Le Roux, Alize; Coetzee, MDate:May 2014This article examines the phenomenon of backyard housing in Gauteng, a prominent driver of urban spatial change in South Africa’s housing market. Backyard housing in South Africa increasingly attracts the attention of policymakers because of ...Read more
Author:Ndlela, Luyanda L; Oberholster, Paul J; Van Wyk, JohannesDate:Aug 2017With the effects of climate change, harmful algal blooms (HABs) have become a global concern, with serious implications in water scarce countries and vulnerable continents such as Africa. A need exists for low-cost, environmentally feasible ...Read more
Author:Du Plessis, JJL; Weiss, ES; Cashdollar, KLDate:May 2000The prime objective of this report was to evaluate single bag performance at various positions in the gallery when exposed to different explosions. These methane explosions varied in strength and position to generate varied explosion pulses ...Read more
Author:Adebesin, F; Kotzé, Paula; Van Greunen, D; Foster, RDate:Jul 2013Although standardization is seen as the key to ensuring interoperability of healthcare information systems, the large numbers of standards available can make the selection decision difficult especially for a developing nation. This paper ...Read more
Author:Ntuli, Princess N; Mkhwebane, Sesie EDate:Nov 2018Renewable energy can be explained as energy that is derived from natural resources and processes, that are not depleted but replenished at a rate that is faster than the consumption thereof (International Energy Agency, 2018). This form of ...Read more
Author:Mkhwebane, Sesie EDate:Jun 2018Renewable energy can be explained as energy that is derived from natural resources and processes, that are not depleted but replenished at a rate that is faster than the consumption thereof (International Energy Agency, 2018).Read more
Author:Botha, Adèle; Herselman, Martha E; Rametse, S; Maremi, Keneilwe JDate:May 2017Teachers recognize the importance of integrating technology into their classroom practice and the endeavour has attracted much attention. Teacher Professional Development (TPD) initiatives have focused on enabling and supporting teachers. ...Read more
Author:Pholotho, T; Mtsweni, Jabu SDate:May 2016Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are capable of expanding access to quality education, educational resources and provide teachers with new skills. Nevertheless, a majority of rural public schools have limited ICTs, mainly due ...Read more
Author:Roux, Michael P; Lotter, S; Nordengen, Paul ADate:Jul 2015As part of the project to update the Malawian Directorate of Road Transport and Safety Services’ (DRTSS) 2005 Axle Load Control Strategy and to provide a five-year implementation plan, a country-wide axle load survey was undertaken to assess ...Read more
Author:De Klerk, A; De Klerk, Arno RDate:Jul 2011A study was conducted in the Waterberg area to characterize the aquatic macro invertebrate community structure and fish assemblages in the Mokolo and Lephalala rivers prior to the onset of increased mining activities and coal fired power ...Read more
Author:Page-Shipp, RJDate:10 Sep 1980This article correctly reflects the principles of Solar Water Heating as they pertain to South African conditions. However, it was written in 1980 and the global energy situation has changed considerably. Furthermore, modern commercial units ...Read more
Author:Van Heerden, C; Barnard, E; Davel, MDate:Sep 2009Spoken dialogue systems (SDSs) have great potential for information access in the developing world. However, the realisation of that potential requires the solution of several challenging problems, including the development of sufficiently ...Read more
Author:Pandarum, Aradhna; Rakaibe, Tshwanelo K; Mbam, VuyoDate:Oct 2023South Africa is confronted by the triple threat of inequality, poverty, and unemployment and has the highest inequality and unemployment rate in the world. The energy transition to a low carbon economy offers significant opportunity for the ...Read more
Author:Hernandez-Leal, P; Rosman, Benjamin S; Taylor, ME; Sucar, LE; de Cote, EMDate:Feb 2016In many situations, agents are required to use a set of strategies (behaviors) and switch among them during the course of an interaction. This work focuses on the problem of recognizing the strategy used by an agent within a small number of ...Read more
Author:Botha, L; Meyer, Thomas; Penaloza, RDate:Oct 2018Description Logics (DLs) that support uncertainty are not as well studied as their crisp alternatives, thereby limiting their use in real world domains. The Bayesian DL BEL and its extensions have been introduced to deal with uncertain knowledge ...Read more
Author:Claessens, R; De Waal, A; De Villiers, Pieter; Penders, A; Pavlin, G; Tuyls, KDate:Apr 2016The range of applications that require processing of temporally and spatially distributed sensory data is expanding. Common challenges in domains with these characteristics are sound reasoning about uncertain phenomena and coping with the ...Read more
Author:Dlamini, Moses T; Eloff, MM; Eloff, JHP; Hone, KDate:Jul 2009The entire business landscape finds itself on the verge of a recession because of ongoing global economic turmoil. Thus, there is a heightened need to minimise and mitigate business risk and scrutinise information spending while ensuring ...Read more
Author:Rens, G; Ferrein, A; Van der Poel, EDate:Jun 2009Traditionally, agent architectures based on the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model make use of precompiled plans, or if they do generate plans, the plans do not involve stochastic actions nor probabilistic observations. Plans that do involve ...Read more