Laser cladding offers distinct advantages including low dilution, low heat input,less distortion, increased mechanical and corrosion properties excellent repeatability and control of process
parameters. Solidification of laser cladded martensitic stainless steel is primarily austenitic. Microstructures consisting of martensite and retained austenite was obtained for 0.4C-13Cr (420) and
16Cr-2Ni (431). Almost fully austenitic microstructures were obtained for 0.4C-15Cr-5Ni (400 series) alloy. Materials expected to consist of a fully martensitic structure is proposed for laser cladding applications
Van Rooyen, C, Burger, HP and Kazadi, BP. 2006. Microstructure of laser cladded martensitic stainless steel. The 59th Annual Assembly of the International Institute of Welding (IIW), Quebec, Canada, 28 August to 1 September 2006, pp 8
Van Rooyen, C., Burger, H., & Kazadi, B. 2006. Microstructure of laser cladded martensitic stainless steel.
Van Rooyen, Corney, HP Burger, and BP Kazadi. 2006. Microstructure of laser cladded martensitic stainless steel.
Van Rooyen C, Burger H, Kazadi B. 2006. Microstructure of laser cladded martensitic stainless steel.