The nutrient content of 9 species of wild fruits growing in the Transvaal was determined in the laboratory were the research was conducted. In order to simplify the removal of the flesh from the stones, the fruits were in most cases freeze-dried after peeling. The powered samples were stored in plastic or glass bottles with tight-fitting screw caps to prevent the absorption of moisture. The results of the analyses are presented in the form of a table. The most outstanding characteristics of all the wild fruits analysed is their high vitamin-C content. The amatungula appears to be a fruit which deserves wider cultivation than occurs at present
Wehmeyer, AS. 1966. Nutrient composition of some edible wild fruits found in the Transvaal. South African Medical Journal, Vol. 40(45), pp 1102-1104
Wehmeyer, A. (1966). Nutrient composition of some edible wild fruits found in the Transvaal.
Wehmeyer, AS "Nutrient composition of some edible wild fruits found in the Transvaal." (1966)
Wehmeyer A. Nutrient composition of some edible wild fruits found in the Transvaal. 1966;