The PAVE (Professionalism, Awareness, Visibility, Education) was conceptualised with the objective to enhance the current traffic management strategies, especially with regard to the traffic law enforcement function in line with the key outcomes, performance targets, KRA's and KPI's as contained in the Department of Roads and Transport Management Plan 2005/06 - 2009/10, as well as the Service Standards for core functions as prescribed by the Department of Roads and Transport. The brief of this study was to identify the resources that are required to transform the PAVE strategy into a fully operational strategy.
Matsila, TA and Ribbens, H. 2007. Limpopo PAVE strategy: a new approach to provincial traffic resource management in South Africa. The Challenges of implementing policy? SATC 2007: the 26th Annual Southern African Transport Conference and Exhibition, Pretoria, South Africa, 9 - 12 July 2007, pp 14
Matsila, T., & Ribbens, H. (2007). Limpopo PAVE strategy: a new approach to provincial traffic resource management in South Africa.
Matsila, TA, and H Ribbens. "Limpopo PAVE strategy: a new approach to provincial traffic resource management in South Africa." (2007):
Matsila T, Ribbens H, Limpopo PAVE strategy: a new approach to provincial traffic resource management in South Africa; 2007. .