Author:CSIRDate:1948This is the third annual report of the CSIR for the year ended October 5th, 1948. In accordance with the requirements of the Scientific Research Council Act, the report also presents the balance sheet and statement of income expenditure ...Read more
Author:CSIRDate:1959In the presentation of this report, attention is directed to the research services provided by the Council for industry, local authorities, provincial administrations and government departments.Read more
Author:CSIRDate:1960In its last Annual Report, the Council drew attention to the important role it is called upon to play in stimulating the development of research in industry. It was pointed out that, for the first fifteen years of its existence, the Council ...Read more
Author:CSIRDate:1963This report presents the nineteenth annual report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The report covers the period from the 1st January, 1963, to the 31st December 1963. Balance sheets and statements of income and expenditure ...Read more