Author:Long, Craig S; Loveday, Philip W; Forbes, ADate:Jun 2008An intra-cavity adaptive mirror is developed for compensation of time-dependent phase aberrations to a laser beam, such as those caused by thermal lensing. The unimorph-type device consists of a metallic disc, with a mirror finish, bonded to ...Read more
Author:Van der Walt, WDate:Feb 2011This document describes Open Source Software newly-developed under the NAP project. The software comprises a digital audio editor for the blind.Read more
Author:Esser, MJD; Bollig, C; Preussler, DRDate:2006In this work, the thermal lenses generated in diode-end-pumped Nd:YVO4 and Nd:GdVO4 lasers were evaluated and compared using a simple technique based on the stability criteria of a plane-parallel laser resonator [example 1], as shown in the ...Read more
Author:Mkhwanazi, M; Landman, WA; Engelbrecht, FA; Olivier, CDate:Sep 2015The study assesses the impacts of anthropogenic forcing on seasonal streamflows over northeastern South Africa by using both dynamically and statistically downscaled multi-decadal climate change projections. The statistical model approach is ...Read more
Author:Mthunzi-Kufa, Patience; He, K; Ngcobo, Sandile; Warner, JWDate:Feb 2014Literature reports graphene, an atomic-thick sheet of carbon atoms as one of the promising biocompatible scaffolds that promotes cellular proliferation in human mesenchymal stem cells. On the other hand, different mammalian cell lines including ...Read more
Author:Funke, Nicola S; Shaxson, L (ed); Bielak, AT (ed)Date:Mar 2009This handbook summarises the background behind, format of and lessons learned from a Collaborative Workshop on Evidence-based Policy-making that was held in November 2008. The workshop was organised by CSIR and funded by the UK's Department ...Read more
Author:Oelofse, Suzanna HHDate:Jul 2015This presentation presents on the food waste in South Africa: Opportunities and challenges, Food loss by region and stage of the supply chain and estimated food waste.Read more
Author:Scholes, RJDate:2003This guide informs CSIR staff about the standards that they are expected to meet when doing research. Researchers who follow this guide will have satisfied the legal requirement for 'due diligence' in their work.Read more
Author:Van Wyk, Llewellyn VDate:Feb 2019At a higher level the quality of infrastructure in South Africa continues to deteriorate and achieving sustainable infrastructure in the light of increasing demand is a key requirement for improving the quality of life of our people. A chapter ...Read more
Author:Sibisi, SDate:26 Sep 2007At a ceremony at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on Friday, CSIR President and CEO, Dr Sibusiso Sibisi, was among a group of South Africans who received the National Orders from President Thabo Mbeki. The Orders are bestowed on South Africans ...Read more
Author:Israel, S; Engelbrecht, P; Tredoux, G; Fey, MVDate:2009Batch experiments were performed to denitrify groundwater using sawdust as a carbon source at Marydale, South Africa. Alkalinity, pH, Electrical Conductivity, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, SO42-, heterotrophic plate count (HPC), dissolved organic ...Read more
Author:Kazadi, P; Van Rooyen, Corney; Burger, HDate:Mar 2006Laser refurbishment capabilities were demonstrated and promising results were obtained for repair of distance sleeves, foot rolls, descaler cassette, idler rolls. Based on the cost projections and the results of the in-situ testing, components ...Read more
Author:Holtman, BDate:18 Jan 2008Barbara Holtman is leader of the CSIR Crime prevention research group. This is a group that is responsible for support of criminal justice systems, a group working with government safety strategies and crime prevention programmes at the CSIR. ...Read more
Author:Abu-Mahfouz, Adnan MIDate:Apr 2012This project presents an extension to the current version of ns-2, which enables a normal user, who has basic knowledge of ns-2, to simulate localization system within a wireless network. Moreover, this project would be beneficial to researchers ...Read more
Author:Claassen, Marius; Nortje, Karen; Le Roux, Wouter JDate:Sep 2018Over four days, workshop participants collaboratively identified opportunities to improve interagency cooperation, enhance the institutional framework, and strengthen capacity for public health emergency prevention and response in Malawi. ...Read more
Author:Van Wilgen, BW; Archibald, SA; Frost, PDate:Nov 2008Fires are a natural and common feature of many of South Africa's landscapes. They are necessary for the maintenance of healthy ecosystems and for biodiversity, but they also do extensive damage to crops, plantations, houses and livestock, and ...Read more
Author:Van Rooyen, Corney; Burger, HP; Kazadi, BPDate:Aug 2006Laser cladding offers distinct advantages including low dilution, low heat input,less distortion, increased mechanical and corrosion properties excellent repeatability and control of process
parameters. Solidification of laser cladded ...Read more
Author:Jacobs-Mata, Inga MDate:Jun 2017Minutes of the inaugaral meeting of the reference group in connection with the project titled: Kukimbia: The impact of environmental refugees in Southern Africa (K5/2768/2), held on 21 June 2017 at 10:00amRead more