Author:Smith, Marie E; Vhengani, Lufuno MDate:May 2023This presentation speaks to the challenges with environmental threats such as Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and ocean heatwaves that have the potential to negatively affect natural and farmed marine resources. Also, monitoring these events ...Read more
Author:Abu-Mahfouz, Adnan MIDate:Jun 2021UMAN society has experienced three industrial revolutions from mechanization, and electricity to information automation. Every industrial revolution significantly alters the form of agricultural industry from labor-intensive farming, mechanized ...Read more
Author:Ama, OM; Ray, Suprakas SDate:2020Over the last two decades, “nanostructured materials” or “nanostructures” have become popular terms, not only among researchers, but also the general public. Owing to their extraordinary and unexpected behavior; nanostructures have gained ...Read more
Author:Ray, Suprakas SDate:2020The PPS Meeting is a leading conference on polymer processing and attracts internationally renowned scientists, engineers and designers in the field of polymer research and development. The goals of the International Polymer Processing Society, ...Read more