Author:Van Schoor, Michael; Nkosi, Nomqhele Z; Magweregwede, Fleckson; Kgarume, Thabang EDate:Aug 2022This book provides the basic know-how and guidance to effectively exploit non-destructive geophysical technologies and apply them in the underground mining environment to optimise mineral extraction and to contribute to safer mining. The ...Read more
Author:Matamanda, AR; Chirisa, I; Rammile, S; Marais, Mario ADate:Mar 2022The housing and human settlement sector is fast changing, and technology is making it more complex than ever before. With reference to Zimbabwe, a developing country in Southern Africa, the essence of this book is to bring out housing as an ...Read more
Author:De Jager, PetaDate:Jun 2021This, the second Sustainability Handbook, sees the world still in the reactionary grip of the coronavirus. Uncertainty in South Africa continues amidst the emergence of a third wave, lingering lockdown and the promise of widely accessible ...Read more
Author:De Jager, PetaDate:Mar 2023Climate change mitigation and adaptation is at the forefront of the reasons why cities need to refocus environmental sustainability to cater for the foreseeable impacts. With the need to move towards sustainable cities, the world is shifting ...Read more