Author:Venter, Karien; Labuschagne, FJJ; Le Roux, M; Cloete, GDate:Jul 2013The N3 Toll Concession (Pty) Ltd (N3TC) manages the 420 km of the N3 Route between Heidelberg (Gauteng) and Cedara (KwaZulu-Natal) on behalf of SANRAL. The N3 Route is described as one of the busiest roads in South Africa linking the port of ...Read more
Author:Venter, Karien; Labuschagne, FJJ; Le Roux, M; Cloete, GDate:Jul 2013The N3 Toll Concession (Pty) Ltd (N3TC) manages the 420 km of the N3 Route between Heidelberg (Gauteng) and Cedara (KwaZulu-Natal) on behalf of SANRAL. The N3 Route is described as one of the busiest roads in South Africa linking the port of ...Read more