Author:Candy, LP; Lasenby, JDate:2011Several applications require the tracking of attitude and position of a body based on velocity data. It is tempting to use direction cosine matrices (DCM), for example, to track attitude based on angular velocity data, and to integrate the ...Read more
Author:Candy, LP; Lasenby, JDate:Apr 2010The orientation vector differential equation was first derived by John Bortz to improve the accuracy of strapdown inertial navigation attitude algorithms. These algorithms previously relied on the direct integration of the direction cosine ...Read more
Author:Burke, Michael G; Lasenby, JDate:Oct 2015This paper introduces a pantomimic gesture interface, which classifies human hand gestures using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) behavior recordings as training data. We argue that pantomimic gestures are more intuitive than iconic gestures and ...Read more